Friday, August 19, 2011

Charity Sip Benefitting the It Gets Better Project

Every year Torquere Press launches Charity Sips, benefitting a worthy cause. This year they chose the It Gets Better Project. I'm honored to participate in this effort. The guidelines for submission called for "getting better" in the story. My offering is Summer Boys, featuring a man who holds so tightly to the past that he's letting the here and now slip through his fingers.

Here's the tentative blurb:

Ferris Stuart has two missions to accomplish while on vacation on Oahu: research for a new Hawaiian Islands themed hotel and have a little fun, something he hasn't had much of since his partner died two years ago. So far he's managed to halfheartedly accomplish the first task; however, he's failing miserably at the second. That is, until a charming islander shows him both the locale and how to start living again.

Expected release is September 17. 


  1. So your next two releases are within days of each other?! :D

  2. Yes, though TQ has just changed Charity Sip to the 17th, so one week apart.
