Will: I think that all authors are inspirations. They put themselves out there and allow others to praise and berate them. I do, of course, have some that have gone above and beyond to inspire me.
Eden Winters: If not for her, anything I write would not have been written. She encouraged me to not give up on a childhood dream. (Aww... thank you, Will.)
The gang from Pulp Friction – Laura Harner, Tom Webb, Havan Fellows, and Lee Brazil: Each of them has gone out of their way to include me in their projects, allowing me to give input, make suggestions, and be a part of the team. They’ve also read some of my stuff and given me directions on making a story tighter.
SJD Peterson: When I was writing Pitch, she took time out of her busy schedule to smack me in the head more than once to keep me focused. She also helped me figure out Show vs Tell, even if I do fall into bad habits now and again.
KC Wells: My cowriter for Someone to Keep Me. She’s taught me a lot (and I do mean a LOT) about writing. I’d like to think that some of the lessons I’ve learned from her definitely upped my game. (Let me have my fantasies!)
Cate Ashwood: She’s helped me ‘go with the flow’ and not to let things bother me so much about my writing. (I believe there may have been threats of violence in there somewhere, but I’m too afraid to go back to find out.)
The people who wrote to me after 500 Miles came out (and Pitch, for Will Parkinson). I’ve got to say, every kind word has pushed me to the point where I am today. And I’m so very grateful to everyone for propping me up along the way.
KC: Oh wow – where to start? I loved reading as a child. I simply DEVOURED books. As an adult, however, I have so many writers whose books inspire me.
There are a few writers whose books are on my MUST READ pile: Andrew Grey, Sue Brown, B.A. Tortuga, S.J Frost, S.E.Jakes, Bailey Bradford, Chris Owen, Stormy Glenn, Patricia Logan, S.J.D. Peterson, G.A. Hauser, Max Vos...oh, and this Parker Williams guy. ( :P ) Sorry – too many to mention, really!
To be honest, when I first began reading MM fiction, I plowed my back through the Dreamspinner authors very quickly. It was reading the books there that made me think about that book idea that had been kicking around in my brain for about a year.
On the non-MM front, I like the early Stephen King. I adore Agatha Christie the books of the late Michael Critchton.
When I first started writing, I was fortunate to have some good friends who were also authors who gave me a lot of support. The first name that comes to mind is Sue Brown. That woman is WONDERFUL. She came to see me on the Isle of Wight, she gave me so much advice…she even put my name forward as someone to write a short story for the recent charity anthology, Burning First Kiss. This was at a time when I wasn’t even published yet. Sue had faith in me.
I’m thankful to Ethan Stone and Lara Brukz who gave me such much support in those first few months as an author. Lara is now one of my betas, and I trust her implicitly to tell me the truth – which she always does, bless her.
Yeah, I’m a very thankful girl.
Born and raised in the north-west of England, K.C.Wells always loved writing. Words were important. Full stop. However, when childhood gave way to adulthood, the writing ceased, as life got in the way.
K.C. discovered erotic fiction in 2009, where the purchase of a ménage storyline led to the startling discovery that reading about men in love was damn hot. In 2012, arriving at a really low point in life led to the desperate need to do something creative. An even bigger discovery waited in the wings – writing about men in love was even hotter...
K.C. now writes full-time and is loving every minute of her new career.
The laptop still has no idea of what hit it... it only knows that it wants a rest, please. And it now has to get used to the idea that where K.C goes, it goes.
K.C. can be reached via email (k.c.wells@btinternet.com), on Facebook (http://www.facebook.com/ KCWellsWorld) or through comments at the K.C.Wells website (www.kcwellsworld.com ) K.C. loves to hear from readers.
PARKER WILLIAMS began to write as a teen, but never showed his work to anyone. As he grew older, he drifted away from writing, but his love of the written word moved him to reading. A chance encounter with an author changed the course of his life as she encouraged him to never give up on a dream. With the help of some amazing friends, he rediscovered the joy of writing, thanks to a community of writers who have become his family.
Parker firmly believes in love, but is also of the opinion that anything worth having requires work and sacrifice (plus a little hurt and angst, too). The course of love is never a smooth one, and Happily Ever After always has a price tag.
Website: http://www. parkerwilliamsauthor.com
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ ParkerWAuthor
Eighteen-year-old Scott Keating knows a whole world exists beyond his parents’ strict control, but until he gains access to the World Wide Web, he really has no idea what’s out there. In a chat room, Scott meets “JeffUK.” Jeff loves and understands him, and when he offers to bring Scott to the UK, Scott seizes his chance to escape his humdrum life and see the world. But when his plane touches down and Jeff isn’t there, panic sets in.
Collars & Cuffs favorite barman and Dom-in-training, Ben Winters, drops his sister off at the airport and finds a lost, anxious Scott. Hearing Scott’s story sets off alarm bells, along with his protective instincts. Taking pity on the naïve boy, Ben offers him a place to crash and invites him to Collars & Cuffs, hoping his bosses will know how to help. Scott dreams of belonging to someone, heart and soul. Ben longs for a sub of his own. And neither man sees what’s right under his nose.
I was trying to make shopping a fun experience, but
Scott wasn’t making it easy. I figured he’d had a heavy morning emotionally,
and I thought taking him around Debenhams department store would provide him
with a little light relief. I kept holding up these really loud shirts and
telling him he’d look good in them. His reaction confused the hell out of me.
It was almost as if the boy didn’t know how to have fun. And when I held up
some really skimpy underwear, I thought he was going to faint from
embarrassment. I kept looking at the clothes he’d picked out. Two pairs of
jeans, no problem there, but the shirts were bland, boring even. Scott was eighteen,
for God’s sake. In desperation, I picked up a blue shirt I thought would really
suit him. The color was a perfect match for his eyes. I held it out to him.
“Would you wear this for me?”
He gazed at me for a moment, and I thought he was
going to refuse. Then he nodded shyly. Thank God. I put it in the basket along
with his other choices, and we headed for the till. I handed over Leo’s letter
of authorization confirming his phone call, and we were done. As we left the
store, loaded up with bags, Scott asked for the receipts, to keep them safe to
give to Leo.
I snickered. “You do know Leo won’t do anything
with those receipts, don’t you?” I knew my boss better than he did.
Scott stopped dead in the middle of the pavement,
his mouth open. “What?” I shrugged. He held out his bags. “I’m sorry, I can’t
accept these.” God, he could be stubborn.
I rolled my eyes. “Fine, be like that. I’m sure the
people at the launderette won’t mind seeing you standing there in your
underwear washing your one suit.” I started walking again, laughing inwardly as
he caught up to me in a hurry.
Scott tilted his head. “Launderette?”
I searched for the American equivalent.
“Laundromat.” A horrified expression crept over his face. Yeah, I’d thought
that would make him stop and think. “Can you afford to be proud right now?” His
face fell, and I instantly regretted my words. The boy had to see things
clearly, though.
Scott looked at his bags of clothing, his
expression grudging, to say the least. “Okay, but I still want the receipts.”
Out came that chin again. The lad had some backbone to him.
This time I stopped. “You’re going to be stubborn
about this, aren’t you?”
The color rose in his cheeks. “It’s not being
stubborn, it’s being responsible.” His lips narrowed. “I don’t need someone to
take care of me.”
“Fine. Whatever,” I muttered and started walking
again. I glanced at the boy surreptitiously as we went along. Regardless of
what came out of his mouth, everything about Scott said
something entirely different. Alex was right: the
lad needed a keeper. I turned off Piccadilly onto London Road, back to the
hotel where I’d left the car.
“Where are we going?” Scott looked at me in
confusion as he caught sight of the hotel.
“We’re going to my place. I have a flat.”
An eager expression crossed his face. “Do you need
help with that?”
I frowned. “Help with what?”
“Your flat. Have you got a jack?”
I struggled for a moment to understand. Then it
dawned on me. I laughed. “Okay, for future reference? A flat is an apartment.”
I shook my head, still chuckling. “How do you expect to write if you don’t even
know English?” His cheeks flamed.
“Hands and knees, boy.”
I obeyed him, doing my best to move smoothly and
gracefully, just like he’d taught me. I tensed when his hand spread my cheeks
and he pushed a couple of slick fingers into me. I squirmed as his fingers
scissored inside me, stretching me. When Ben pulled his fingers free, I stifled
my noises of disappointment. Ben held up something for me to see. It was a slim
butt plug in black silicone. I swallowed.
I tried to relax as he pushed it slowly into me.
“God, it feels so big.”
Ben chuckled. “This is nothing, wait until it’s my
cock.” And didn’t that thought send a ripple through me. At last I felt the
flat base of the plug and knew it was all the way in.
“Stand up.”
I got to my feet, the movement pushing the plug
against my prostate. Oh, hell. I couldn’t see me lasting long without
coming—until I saw what Ben held in his hand. It was a cage of some sort, its
shape mimicking a dick. I gasped as Ben pushed a metal ring over my cock and
eased my balls through it carefully. The ring had a catch where it rested on
top of my dick. Then he slid a lubed hand over my length. I shuddered to
finally feel his hand on me, but it was short-lived as he proceeded to slide
the cage very slowly over my cock, until at last it snapped into position on
the cock ring.
Ben grinned. “Subs who behave the way you did have
to expect punishment.”
I gulped. All in all, I thought I’d got off
lightly, except Ben wasn’t finished.
“On your knees.”
I obeyed him, conscious of the plug in my ass and
the weight of the cage around my cock. I wondered what was coming next, and my
mouth fell open when Ben unzipped his fly and pushed his jeans down over his
hips. Ben cupped my chin and lifted my face to look at him.
“Suck my cock, boy. And make it good.”
Oh… oh, wow.
God, I was hard.
Scott knelt before me. Smiling up at me, he pulled
my underwear down slowly, releasing the solid cock hidden inside. It sprang up,
heavy and thick, bouncing in his face. Scott’s eyes moved to mine. I nodded
toward my cock.
“Sir? May I?” Scott lowered his
eyes reverently. I placed my hands atop Scott’s head.
“Do it, boy,” I whispered. Scott reached for the
thick shaft in front of him. “No hands.” My voice was thick and husky.
Scott nuzzled my balls before licking from the base
to the head of my engorged prick.
I couldn’t suppress a shudder. Scott chuckled, and
I gave my boy a quick cuff on the side of his head.
Grabbing Scott’s head, I pushed him down, the warm lips engulfing my prick. I moaned, the sensation of the boy’s mouth nearly overwhelming. I let him suck at his own pace for a few moments before I locked my hands around Scott’s head and started thrusting into his mouth. All too soon, my balls began to pull up.
Grabbing Scott’s head, I pushed him down, the warm lips engulfing my prick. I moaned, the sensation of the boy’s mouth nearly overwhelming. I let him suck at his own pace for a few moments before I locked my hands around Scott’s head and started thrusting into his mouth. All too soon, my balls began to pull up.
“You’re doing so well. Going to
come, boy.”
Scott tried to back off as I shot, but my grip held
him tight. I emptied my load into his waiting mouth. When I was done, I gave
the simple one-word command.
I smiled as Scott gulped my load, his throat
working on the head of my dick, causing tremors to rock my body. After I’d
finished, I released him. He leaned back and looked me in the eye, smiling, a
part of my come running slowly down his chin. I wiped it off with my thumb and
started drawing away, but he grabbed my hand and popped my thumb into his
mouth. He released it, and his eyes dropped to the floor.
“Thank you, Sir.”
I couldn’t help the wide smile on my face. Now to
deliver the bad news.
“Now you’re going to bed. And the plug and cage
stay there for the night.”
I watched his eyes widen as realization sunk in.
Now he got it.
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Thank you, K.C. and Will, for joining us today on Magnolias and Men.

Great Interview!
ReplyDeleteSo fun to see your inspirations!
Loved the interview!